PolyATOM – PolyATOM is a cloud-native platform that enables Enterprise to focus on business outcomes with increased agility and reduced risk.

Built on a proven open-source, containerized framework, PolyATOM:


Isolates customer apps and data


Simplifies and streamlines the app design lifecycle


Manages roles and permissions


Masks infrastructure complexity


Allows teams to focus on bringing new products to market

The Benefit

Digital transformation is imperative for all businesses, from the smallest entities to complex, global enterprises. Offering four unique products, PolyATOM is the answer for simplified cloud native application engineering. The unique products and services help information technology (IT) teams reduce cost, effort, and dependency on human capital during their digital transformation. Teams are up and running in weeks instead of months saving valuable financial resources without high-cost capital investments or steep learning curves.

IT Managers
Operational teams have a holistic view of the environment through monitoring and proactive alert systems allowing them to identify and resolve problems before they occur. Development teams are free to focus on products and services that drive business value. With lower upfront capital costs and a minimal learning curve, teams are up and running in weeks instead of months speeding up time to market and saving valuable financial resources.
App Owners / Developers
PolyATOM’s containerized approach simplifies the app design lifecycle with robust automation tools to mask infrastructure complexity. Encrypted connections, role-based access controls, and a minimized network surface area decrease denial of service attacks. Operational teams have a holistic view of the environment through monitoring and proactive alert systems allowing them to identify and resolve problems before they occur. Development teams are free to focus on products and services that drive business value.
IT Security
According to Deloitte’s 2021 Future of Cyber Survey, cybersecurity is top of mind for C-suite and boardroom members alike. Leaders must balance the need for security with the demand for self-service, increased complexity, and multi-channel accessibility.  PolyATOM’s containerized solutions leverage existing networks and security protocols, include encrypted connections, and role-based access controls. Most required Information Security features are built into the platform, reducing the need for add-on security tooling and support.
FeaturePivotalRedhat OpenshiftPolyATOM
Open-Source ModelOpen core. Pivotal adds significant proprietary features to extend Cloud Foundry Foundation code, making portability challenging.Red Hat focuses on contributing upstream to Docker and Kubernetes.

Portability can be challenging from a platform perspective.
PolyATOM products are built on an open-source framework with no ties to technology or proprietary core frameworks.

Portability is very high.
Approach to ContainersTwo approaches to containers.
PAS – the platform builds and manages the container

PKS – the end user builds the container image and manages its lifecycle.
Containers are managed outside of the platform.PolyATOM is built and integrated with Docker containerized functionality and support.

Containers are built-on generic backend operating systems and can be deployed and executed in ANY container orchestrated environment such as Kubernetes.
Preferred Application ModelPolyglot language and framework support.Polyglot language and framework support.PolyATOM can deploy and run any containerized technology.

PolyATOM supports Spring Boot, Python, Node.js, Ruby, and GO. Stateful and stateless app models are supported.
Vendor and Technology EcosystemUbuntu, shipped as an integrated system, or Windows. PCF license includes Ubuntu support through agreement with Canonical. Windows Server support in BOSH and buildpacks.RHEL, which is a more accepted enterprise OS, trusted by I&O, certified in regulated industries. Future support planned for CoreOS, which is an immutable container host based on Red.PolyATOM is built with a baseline to be containerized which includes platform and applications executed on platform. This provides PolyATOM non-dependency on operating system, other than a container.
Application Platform Services ExtensionsRelies on Open Service Broker API to integrate with services and platforms.Relies on Open Service Broker API to integrate with services and platforms.PolyATOM does not need a specific API or library for service integrations. Supports all containerized technologies.

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We’re helping companies who need consistent, reliable services that scale, by making the transition easy.